4 Services You Can Get From Your Chiropractor

Seeing your chiropractor regularly can significantly improve your quality of life. Trips to the chiropractor ensure that your spine stays straight, your body is free of tension, and that it’s working in harmony with itself. People who are experiencing pain all across the United States have no idea that chiropractic services can provide significant relief to their pain. Do you know everything that regular trips to the chiropractor can provide for you? Here are four chiropractic services that you can benefit from receiving on a regular basis.

1. Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression is a non-invasive, non-surgical technique that a chiropractor can use to adjust your spine. Millions of Americans experience lower back pain, it’s one of the most common complaints that doctors report. Are you experiencing lower back pain? Try investing in some spinal decompression therapy so that you can get back to living life without all of that pain.

2. Physiotherapy

If you’ve recently been injured, your chiropractor might suggest that you undergo a physiotherapy regimen. Physiotherapy is a holistic approach to injuries that includes treatment through exercise, massage, and more advanced techniques such as a therapeutic ultrasound. Through combining innovative new technologies, exercise, and massage that’s specifically tailored to the individual patient’s needs, physiotherapy treatments provide long-term relief to people experiencing pain.

3. Postural Restoration

Do you have horrible posture? Did you know that there’s actually something that you can do about it? Through postural restoration, chiropractors have innovated new ways that you can straighten the spine to get you back to standing up straight again. This is an important treatment, as many people who have posture problems experience significant pain from it. No matter how much postural restoration you need to get your body back to normal, this is an incredible treatment that can yield permanent results if you keep your exercises up.

4. Electric Muscle Stimulation

One of the best things about chiropractic services is that most of the procedures that are performed are non-invasive. If you have an injury, a process called electric muscle stimulation targets the part of the body that’s experiencing pain, stimulating the tissue into speeding up the recovery process. It’s one of the most effective types of treatments out there, is completely non-invasive, and only takes ten or twenty minutes to complete. This is the perfect option if you want to experience relief for your pain, but don’t have enough time to undergo an entire chiropractic regimen.

Find the Right Chiropractic Services

If you want to reduce your pain as much as possible, you need to attack your pain from several angles. The different chiropractic services that are available to you are all different tools to make sure that you end up feeling great at the end of the day. Are you looking for a chiropractic service or regimen that can help reduce your pain? Ask your chiropractor about postural restoration, electric muscle stimulation, physiotherapy, and spinal decompression. Your chiropractor will then specialize a plan specifically for you so you can reduce the pain that you’ve been experiencing.

Get In Touch

Premier Health Chiropractic & Wellness Center

Call Us: (972) 713-9355

Visit Us: 4425 Plano Pkwy
Suite 901
Carrollton, TX 75010

Office Hours

Monday: 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM & 2:30 – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM & 2:30 – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Friday: 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM & 2:30 – 6:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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Thanks to BRProfits, ServicesInDFW.com, and Matt
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